Collection: Winter Journey!


This collection is special, it signifies the fuzzy feeling of winters and warm hugs.

The depiction of this small town situated in the hills that only gets to experience one season,The snowy winters. This series tells you about how people are going about their everyday life.
We hope this collection brings you that fuzzy feeling. 
Their journey through winter's icy hold,
A testament to spirits bold.
For in this land of eternal frost,
Warmth is found, never lost.
At school, they learn of snowflakes' art,
Each one unique, a work of heart.
They build snowmen with carrot noses,
And sled down hills in wild poses.

The adults, too, have tasks to tend,
Their work in winter knows no end.
Clearing paths and driveways wide,
Keeping the town's heartbeat steady and tried.
Yet amidst the chores and daily grind,
Joy and camaraderie they always find.

In cozy cafes with fires aglow,
They share tales of winters long ago.
Neighbors help neighbors without delay,
In this town where winter holds sway.
Together they face the cold's embrace,
Stronger as one, in this frozen place.


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